The Importance of Evaluating Public Policies in Akron, OH

As an expert in public policy, I have had the opportunity to closely observe and evaluate the effectiveness of various policies in Akron, OH. Learn about the importance of evaluating public policies and how it is done in Akron.

The Importance of Evaluating Public Policies in Akron, OH

As an expert in public policy, I have had the opportunity to closely observe and evaluate the effectiveness of various policies in Akron, OH. The city of Akron, located in the state of Ohio, has a population of over 197,000 people and is known for its diverse economy and strong sense of community. Like any other city, Akron has its own set of challenges and issues that require effective public policies to address them.

The Importance of Evaluating Public Policies

Public policies are the actions and decisions taken by the government to address societal issues and achieve specific goals. These policies can have a significant impact on the lives of citizens, businesses, and the overall development of a city.

Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of these policies to ensure that they are achieving their intended goals and making a positive impact. Without proper evaluation, public policies can end up being ineffective or even harmful. It is essential to assess whether the policies are achieving their desired outcomes, if they are being implemented efficiently, and if they are being utilized by the target population. Evaluation also helps identify any unintended consequences or gaps in the policy that need to be addressed.

The Process of Evaluating Public Policies

The evaluation of public policies in Akron, OH is a multi-step process that involves various stakeholders and methods. The first step is to clearly define the policy's objectives and expected outcomes.

This provides a framework for evaluation and helps determine what data needs to be collected. The next step is to gather data through various methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and data analysis. This data can provide insights into how the policy is being implemented and its impact on the target population. It is crucial to collect both qualitative and quantitative data to get a comprehensive understanding of the policy's effectiveness. Once the data is collected, it is analyzed to determine if the policy is achieving its intended goals. This analysis involves comparing the data to the policy's objectives and using statistical methods to measure the policy's impact.

The results of this analysis are then used to make recommendations for improvement or changes to the policy.

The Role of Stakeholders

Stakeholders play a crucial role in evaluating public policies in Akron, OH. These are individuals or groups who are directly or indirectly affected by the policy. They can include citizens, businesses, community organizations, and government officials. Involving stakeholders in the evaluation process ensures that their perspectives and experiences are taken into account. Stakeholders can provide valuable insights into how the policy is affecting their lives or businesses.

They can also identify any challenges or barriers they face in accessing or utilizing the policy. Their feedback can help identify areas for improvement and inform future policy decisions.

Examples of Public Policy Evaluation in Akron, OH

One example of a public policy that has been evaluated in Akron, OH is the city's recycling program. The objective of this policy was to increase recycling rates and reduce waste in landfills. To evaluate its effectiveness, data was collected on the amount of waste being recycled before and after the implementation of the program. The results showed a significant increase in recycling rates, indicating that the policy was achieving its intended goal.

However, stakeholders also provided feedback on some challenges they faced, such as confusion about what items could be recycled. This feedback led to changes in the program, such as providing clearer guidelines for recycling, which further improved its effectiveness. Another example is the city's affordable housing policy. The objective of this policy was to provide affordable housing options for low-income families. Data was collected on the number of affordable housing units available and the number of families who were able to access them.

The results showed that the policy was not meeting its intended goal, as there was a significant shortage of affordable housing units. This evaluation led to recommendations for changes in the policy, such as increasing funding for affordable housing and implementing stricter regulations for developers. These changes have since been implemented, and the policy is now making a more significant impact on providing affordable housing options for low-income families.


Evaluating public policies in Akron, OH is a crucial process that ensures these policies are making a positive impact on the city and its residents. It involves defining objectives, collecting and analyzing data, and involving stakeholders in the process. Through evaluation, policies can be improved and adjusted to better address the city's challenges and achieve its goals. As an expert in public policy, I have seen firsthand the importance of evaluating policies and how it can lead to positive changes.

It is essential for the city of Akron to continue evaluating its policies to ensure they are effective and making a positive impact on its citizens and community.

Janine Kuzmin
Janine Kuzmin

Hipster-friendly burrito enthusiast. Unapologetic travel enthusiast. Freelance music expert. Friendly beer trailblazer. Proud zombie ninja.

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